Learning a New Language

Language is important part of growing generosity in our congregations. Consider the following alternative words that, if used consistently, can create a new world of giving among your membership. Annual Ministry Plan instead of budget Estimate of Giving Card instead...

Living Word Church Celebrates Generosity

Even in trying times, generosity can flourish! Remember to thank your congregation for their faithfulness in giving to Kingdom initiatives. Living Word Church, in Wildwood, MO engaged us for help with their annual stewardship initiative this fall. Here is news of...

Generosity Rising

Generosity is emerging in our society as a practice whose time has come. Bono of the rock band U2 is the spokesperson for ONE, the campaign to make poverty history. Consider Bono’s words: “God, my friends, is with the poor. And God is with us, if we are...

3 Simple Tips to Improve This Weekend’s Offering

(and one big mistake you might be making)

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