Giving Technology E-Book Now Available

Giving Technology E-Book Now Available

What should the online giving experience look like? What giving technologies are most efficient and effective? How can my church afford to employ new giving technologies? How do we reach every generation of givers in the church? Do these questions resonate with you? I...
Millennials Struggle with Budgeting

Millennials Struggle with Budgeting

Millennials are, in many ways, shaping the future of our country. From their love of technology we talked about in last week’s post to their work habits and communication preferences, we are seeing a shift on several fronts. Another topic to add to the list –...
What do your Numbers Really Mean?

What do your Numbers Really Mean?

What are your numbers? Ever been asked a question like that before? If it’s your doctor asking, then he or she is likely inquiring about your blood pressure, cholesterol, temperature, height and weight, right? Basics that, at a glance, help to determine the state of...

3 Simple Tips to Improve This Weekend’s Offering

(and one big mistake you might be making)

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