Church Generosity Mistakes: Ignoring Your Data

Church Generosity Mistakes: Ignoring Your Data

As a church leader, you wear a number of hats. On any given day, you’re a counselor, administrator, teacher, mediator, and—depending on the size of your ministry—all the “chiefs”: financial officer, marketing officer, operations officer, information officer....
Church Generosity Mistakes: 52 Missed Opportunities

Church Generosity Mistakes: 52 Missed Opportunities

You’d love for the people in your church to be more generous—for all sorts of reasons. You’ve done everything you know how to do, but you just don’t feel like the needle’s moving as far as it could. Or should. I hear that a lot. After doing generosity audits and...

3 Simple Tips to Improve This Weekend’s Offering

(and one big mistake you might be making)

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